
T1International Advocacy Partners

T1International does not accept pharmaceutical industry funding or any funds that would compromise or influence our ability to advocate. However, we are committed to working in the spirit of openness, collaboration and partnership to advocate for systemic change. We are always willing to have an open and respectful dialogue with any individual or organization, even if our opinions differ.

We believe that by working together we can make a bigger impact in the lives of people living with diabetes than if we were only working as individual organisations. Partners work with T1International on specific, focused and time-bound projects or programs. Partnerships have mutual recognition and involve written agreements. Most partners are also allies.

A group of African advocates with type 1 diabetes in Uganda doing advocacy training and planning together

Global Advocacy Partners

Diabet Centro (Guatemala): Diabet Centro aims to redesign the health care model for adult chronic diseases, to make early and timely diagnosis and treatment. They focus on client participation in their treatment.

Diabetes Consciousness for Community - DiCoCo (Tanzania): Providing diabetes information to the community and raising diabetes awareness.

Diabète et méchant (France): Responding to inaccuracies and clichés about diabetes, particularly in its minority and atypical forms (type 1, LADA, MODY, etc.), by giving a voice to patients, their relatives and caregivers.

Diabetes Fighters Trust (India): Unifying the voice of different NGOs, initiatives, and communities along with healthcare experts, educators, policymakers, market leaders with the People living with Diabetes to work together towards advocating for our basic rights, evidence-based research, innovation and integrated approach to diabetes management.

Diabetes LATAM (Panama): Educating and supporting people with type 1 diabetes and their families.

Diabetes Youth Care (Ghana): Diabetes YouthCare provides education and medical support to encourage personal growth, knowledge acquisition and independence.

Help Madina (Sierra Leone): Help Madina envisions a world where every citizen of Sierra Leone is healthy and has the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to society.

Meethi Zindagi (Pakistan): Meethi Zindagi is a community-centric organization that recognizes people with diabetes as the key stakeholders. They understand that health is “human Story” and challenging health condition of diabetes can only be met with the “human story” in mind.

Santé Diabète (Mali): Santé Diabète addresses the lack of access to care for people with diabetes in Africa and the lack of consideration of this health emergency by development actors at the global level. 

We Care Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone): We Care Sierra Leone's mission is to create a dedicated team of healthcare professionals who volunteer their skills to offer essential services for health issues, including diabetes. By taking a holistic approach that includes education, awareness, and support, they strive to empower individuals and communities to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Project and Expert Partners

Democracy Policy Network: Democracy Policy Network is an interstate network that organizes policy support for the next generation of state leaders working to deepen democracy in statehouses across America.

MSF Access Campaign: The Access Campaign is part of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), an international, independent, medical humanitarian organisation. They bring down barriers that keep people from getting the treatment they need to stay alive and healthy.

National Health Law Program (NHELP): Attorneys litigating in state and federal courts and policy advocates fighting to advance access to quality health care for low-income and underserved individuals.

Science, Health, and Information Clinic (SHIC): Columbia Law’s Science, Health, and Information Clinic serves the public interest by fighting for—and winning—more equitable access to scientific, technical, and medical knowledge and to the benefits that flow from that knowledge.

Sonia Nabeta Foundation (SNF): Believes in an Africa where children with type 1 diabetes have an equal chance at long, healthy, productive and gainful lives. Sonia Nabeta Foundation and T1International together lead the Pamoja Advocacy Project

The Democracy Collaborative: A research and change-agent organization building a people-powered vision for a new, democratic economy run on shared prosperity and inclusion, not exploitation.