
Global Stories

Facing My Guilt: I am surviving, but diabetics in Gaza are not

Facing My Guilt: I am surviving, but diabetics in Gaza are not

Ten years ago, when I was first diagnosed with type one diabetes, I spent countless hours studying my newly diagnosed condition. I came across a research paper by Stanford University stating that people living with type 1 diabetes make around 180 more decisions per day than people without diabetes, with a rate of an extra decision every 5 minutes of waking time. I then realised that type 1 diabetes is a full-time job, without vacations or time off. Read more

Global Advocacy Success Series: Kelia Moses, WE Care Sierra Leone

Global Advocacy Success Series: Kelia Moses, WE Care Sierra Leone

The idea to work on this issue stemmed from a personal experience that deeply impacted me. In 2008, I lost my aunt to diabetes-related complications. Witnessing her struggle with diabetes and the lack of medical expertise to detect and manage her condition was a profound and heartbreaking experience for me. Read more

Insulin Shortages: a policy choice with policy solutions

Insulin Shortages: a policy choice with policy solutions

Over the past few months, people with type 1 diabetes around the globe have been going from pharmacy to pharmacy in search of insulin. There have been insulin shortages in many different countries. For people living with type 1 diabetes, insulin is as important as oxygen and people need a consistent supply. Insulin shortages can lead to irreversible complications and even death. Read more

Global Day of Action for #insulin4all demands insulin equity NOW

Global Day of Action for #insulin4all demands insulin equity NOW

On March 16, 2024, hundreds of #insulin4all advocates participated in over a dozen events across the globe calling for insulin access and affordability as part of the Global Day of Action for #insulin4all, sharing their stories on the critical need for insulin equity now. Read more

Global Advocacy Success Series: Lucy, Tanzania

Global Advocacy Success Series: Lucy, Tanzania

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in July of 2000. I had just finished my Primary School Education and was preparing to go to Uganda to pursue my Secondary and High School Education. l wasn't ready to use insulin. l think l was in denial. Read more

Silent Victims of War: The Struggle of Diabetes in Gaza

Silent Victims of War: The Struggle of Diabetes in Gaza

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is putting an extra burden on the already fragile state of diabetes management for all people with diabetes in the Strip. I had witnessed the situation myself many times before and contacted friends living with diabetes and healthcare professionals. I can assure you that people are suffering. Read more

Advocating To Define “Affordable” for People With Diabetes

Advocating To Define “Affordable” for People With Diabetes

To kick off Diabetes Awareness Month, the Global Diabetes compact held a two-day meeting where T1International and 35 other organisations in over 25 countries presented the goal of the Fight for Five campaign. We showed the depth and breadth of support for this campaign not only through stories of patients most impacted by lack of affordable and accessible insulin in their home countries, but also by the number of organisations that support a better world for people with diabetes. Read more

Global Advocacy Success Series: Mridula, India

Global Advocacy Success Series: Mridula, India

Mridula Kapil Bhargava began advocating to end diabetes stigma and for #insulin4all in 2015. As a Global Advocacy Partner representative of T1International (through Diabetes Fighters Trust) as well as a member of our Fight for Five Working Group, Mridula plays a huge role in our efforts to fight for a world where no one has to spend more than 5% of their average income for the insulin they need to survive and achieve their dreams. Read more

T1International 2023 Summit: Advocacy in Action

T1International 2023 Summit: Advocacy in Action

As I listened to the amazing sessions at this year's Summit, the rage from 2016 was still there, and rightly so, but there was also so much love, inclusivity and power. Whether you like the term 'patients' or not - we debated it at the Summit - this event was full of patients taking back their power. I was proud to be part of it and continue to be proud that T1International is making such a huge global impact as a small, pharma-free charity. Read more

Global Advocacy Success Series: Mohammed, Palestine

Global Advocacy Success Series: Mohammed, Palestine

Mohammed Seyam has been leading T1International's Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region Chapter since 2021 but has been advocating for himself and his community for much longer. As a medical doctor with type 1 diabetes, he is on a mission to break down barriers to healthcare and education. Mohammed has always been motivated by his community and uses his lived experience to influence his work. Read more