

Interview : The Pendsey Trust

It’s a small world, and the diabetes world especially can be even smaller than we think sometimes. Each day a new connection leads me to further connect with more amazing people doing amazing things for diabetes. Read more

Diabetes Dangers and Cultural Misconceptions

We've all heard the tired old comments such as “My grandma/grandpa has diabetes so I know exactly how you feel!”, or “Doesn't diabetes mean you can’t eat sugar?” While we know some of this information may be based in certain experiences or knowledge, the reality is that many people are simply misinformed... Read more

Interview: Diabetes in Nigeria

Poor knowledge and awareness of type 1 diabetes in Nigeria, especially among mothers, makes it difficult to explain what is wrong with children when symptoms of type 1 are demonstrated. "Most parents also fail to follow-up after treatment with a high level of non-compliance to insulin use...'' Read more

Interview: Diabetes in Pakistan

Sana wants to tackle the ever-growing problems that diabetics face in Pakistan, such as negative social pressures, lack of acceptance, and lack of diabetes awareness and education. Read more